Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Montessori Girl

In a music session at the conference, the Lone Star Baby made a shaker out of a big plastic juice bottle, colored straws, strings, a rubber band, two little plastic egg halves and pieces of chopsticks and a dowel. She managed to get the top off at home, though, and likes it much better as a material than as a shaker. She wants to sit for ages shaking the contents out onto the floor and then painstakingly, with deep concentration, putting each piece back into the bottle. Then she dumps it all out and starts over. She has to work really hard to get the strings in and the egg halves out. Her focus on this activity is is her work, just like the materials at school. Little Montessori girl.


  1. Hey! I left a comment here, and now I don't see it. Phooey. At any rate, I've just finished Traveling Death and Resurrection Show. Thanks for sending it. My favorite parts were the interludes about the saints. Oh, and it took me awhile to figure it out, but the Dorothy character is definitely, most defintely a fictionalized Dorothy Day! It didn't click until Dorothy told Frankka the bit about not wanting to be dismissed so easily by calling someone a "saint." That's classic DD. And then, all the other pieces fit together. Did you know that? Or am I the last one to figure it out?

  2. I never realized that, you genius, and I am a big Dorothy Day fan - it does seem obvious now that you mention it but I never thought of it myself. That sneaky Ariel. The saint interludes were my favorite parts, too, and made me think of you a ton. I hope you enjoyed the book. I think it should be the next Oprah's Book Club selection myself.

    Speaking of Dorothy Day, have you ever seen the movie Entertaining Angels?

  3. I haven't seen the movie! I'll see if the library has it.:)

  4. It's really good. I love those Catholic Workers. We have a Catholic Worker house here in town but I am not sure if it is still being used. Sometimes it looks condemned but then I will hear about something happening there so I don't know. It's called the Maurin-Day House. I'd like to volunteer there sometime if it isn't shut down.
