Thursday, July 06, 2006

Do It For The Zine, Mamas!

As many of you know, Lone Star Ma is published rather irregularly due to the fact that my day job(s) and family responsibilities leave me little business-hours time to pound the pavement for the advertisers that bring in the money for the printer. My schedule is not likely to let up much until next summer, and then only for summers, so I am trying to figure out something that will work. The way I see it, advertising is advertising, whether it is print or online, so please do not consider me a sell-out (don't hate, y'all) if I end up getting some of those little advertising strips on the blog and the magazine's sites in an attempt to pay for printing. I think they pay me a tiny amount when people click on them. If they are even brave enough to advertise in radical Texas mama-land. We'll see!


  1. I'll click for ya! Your zine is important and you need to keep it going. No harm in a little help from the sides. Esp since I know you would choose your advertisers with care!

  2. And actually, one of the scary things about this is that I do not think I get to choose the ads. They are supposed to be ads that match my content but we will have to see if they really do!

  3. You know I'll click for you!
