Monday, July 17, 2006

Beach Visit!

One of my brothers and one of my sisters came down for a too-quick visit over the weekend. It was great to see them and...we went to the beach!!!

I know this is beyond pathetic, but we really haven't been to the real beach in the two years since the Lone Star Baby has been among us - just walking around the bayfront. This was due to a confluence of lazy reasons - there has been a lot of construction on and around the causeway to the island and the traffic flow was significantly altered for a time. Lone Star Pa wouldn't come with us and I was nervous about finding my way through the construction and dealing with both girls alone. No more excuses, though! The way is clear again and I am able to handle both girls. We are going to get in at least a few more times this summer and then next summer, when I am off - at least twice a week!!

It was great fun. I would have expected the Lone Star Baby to be a little scared of the great maw of the ocean, but she had no fear of the "green water" and was eager to get right in it. She "jumped the waves" and played in the water almost ceaselessly but also made time to dig in the sand with some new sand toys and watch the "little animals" burrow back down into the wet sand after getting seined. The Lone Star Girl also had a wonderful time in the water and on the sand and got to visit with her Auntie and Uncle. My brother and sister stayed longer but I only stayed a couple of hours with the girls because the Lone Star Baby was starting to loll about on my shoulder - quite happily, though - by then, and I knew she was plumb worn out.

When we got home, she was really grumpy-tired and had an urgent need to nurse but then she perked right up. We got cleaned up and then my brother and sister came over for dinner. After dinner, I got the Lone Star Baby to bed while the Lone Star Girl accompanied her Auntie and Uncle on an ice cream run and then we played a couple of games of Cranium.

It was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! That reminds me that we need to get to Alki beach this summer and hang out with the tide pools.
