Monday, June 19, 2006

Daughter And A Movie

Please check out my brand new blog, Daughter And A Movie.. I am hoping that, a few posts from now, I might be able to use it to get a family movie review job. Please wish me luck! Thanks!


  1. Excellent! Maybe I'll start a companion blog, "Gorilla and a Movie." Ho ho.

  2. Please let me know if you do! Here are some movies to start with:

    Gorillas In The Mist
    King Kong
    that one about the rich lady with the house full of primates
    Inherit The Wind....

  3. I think that one with the rich lady full of primates is "Buddy." I heard the movie really played down the sad parts (it was a comedy after all). But, there is a good non-fiction book for younger children about Buddy the gorilla.

  4. I don't remember the movie clearly, but I am sure that's the one. I'll have to look up the book - thanks.
